Real estate Videos

Moving to Georgia? Here's a Real Estate Market Update for you! | Real Estate Housing Market 2022

Hey sellers and buyers, what does the real estate market look like now that it has shifted. Well for sellers, be prepared to have your home stay on the market a little longer and not expect to get crazy multiple offers. With the increase of interest rates and the shift in the market, we are going back to a normal market. For buyers, You now have a better chance of getting a home at list price and possibly getting the sellers to pay some closing cost assistance. Now that the market has cooled down, sellers are willing to negotiate with buyers to get their home sold. Now this doesn’t mean we are headed for a real estate crash. We are just getting back to a normal market.

Should I BUY a house now or WAIT? When is a good time to buy a house in 2022? (Market Update 2022)

The market has shifted and so now buyers it’s finally your time to make a move. With the rising interest rates, we are seeing things slowdown dramatically and so we are seeing sellers willing to negotiate with buyers to get the deal done. I just helped one of my buyers close on their home last week and we were able to negotiate the price down. We were able to get the seller to pay for closing costs and we were also able to get the seller to make a few repairs. The house has been sitting on the market for over 30 days, so we were able to negotiate a great deal for my buyer. You would have not been able to negotiate anything like t just a few months ago with the stuff. So buyers, if you need to buy a home, now might be the time to snag a deal.


Home Seller Tips 2022: OVERPRICED HOUSES? Know why this is a big NO. (Tips to sell your house fast)

Sellers. This video is for you. Today we’re talking about overpricing a home. It is never a good idea to overprice your home when you go to list your house. I don’t care how hot the market is. Listen to me. You will lose so much – much time and much money if you do this. I have seen it happen over and over again. Especially here recently in today’s market. Last few years we have been in one of the hottest seller’s markets ever before. You hear all over the news that sellers are selling for way over list price receiving multiple offers on the property. Yes, that is true. But that doesn’t mean you can list your house at whatever price you want and buyers will buy it. Sellers think that you can just throw a number on your house and put a sign in the yard and buyers will be begging to buy their home. The buyers that are shopping in today’s market are savvy. They are smart. They have tons of information online to know when a home is overpriced. In the end, it will cost you, the seller, more time and more money. And in real estate, time is money. Price your home right at the beginning and let the buyers determine the value of the home. That’s how you receive multiple offers which then drives up the price which nets you more at the end. Let me know if you have any questions or comments about this video and thanks for watching.


Today we are going to talk about the topfive reasons why I love living in Sonoia, Georgia.My name is Crissy Blount, and I’m a local realtor here in Senoia, Georgia with Keller Williams Realty, Atlanta Partners. Senoia, Georgia is located just 35miles south of the city. It is just a short drive to get to the heart of the city or the Atlanta airport. It was founded in 1860 and still has that southern charm old town feeling today. Some of the architectural structures dating back to the turn of the century are still used today as storefront. In 2021, the population was around about 5000 people and it has been voted one of the best and safest places to live. You might have heard of Senoia, Georgia if you are a big time Walking Dead fan – The hit series the AMC hit series Walking Dead show has been filmed here for the last twelve years. We are also known worldwide for cinematic and television series. So let’s get to the good part. Here are the five reasons I love living in Senoia, Georgia. The simplicity of the Town – if you are looking for a slower pace but want to be convenient to a more larger city, you have that here. Senoia has a handful of restaurants and boutique shops, but if you want to venture out, Peachtree City is just minutes away. Number two, it’s a golf cart community much like Peachtree City. If you want to hop on your golfcart and drive into town, you can. There are golf cart tabs that connect to some of the neighborhoods close by to the town. Or you can just ride your golf cart through the town. It’s very convenient and so much fun. And who doesn’t like to ride on a golf cart to dinner? Number three, the events in town. The city does a great job getting together events throughout the year that involves businesses, community and the locals. Some of my favorite events that I have attended and take my family to would be the Christmas Parade, the Memorial Day event, the Elijah Vibe which happens once a month every Friday and the Saturday morning Senoia Parker’s Market. Number four would be the traffic. The traffic is not bad at all. As I mentioned before, the population is around about 5000 people, so the traffic is very minimum. If you are looking to get out of the big city but want the convenience to be in a larger city just minutes away, Senoia is the place to be. My final favorite part about Senoia, Georgia is the downtown area itself. It has so much to offer in just a small little area that you could spend the whole day in town. It has some great restaurants, shopping, ice cream parlor. It makes a really great day family adventure for sure. So if you would like any more information about Senoia, Georgia or have any questions at all, I’m a local realtor here. If you are thinking about moving to the area, please don’t hesitate to call me.

Buying and selling a home? What if your home gets sold first?
I have 3 solutions for you!

Are you wanting to buy and sell this yearbut concerned that your current home is going tosell quicker than you finding a new home?Well, I have three solutionsthat might solve that problem.My name is Kristy blunt, and I’m arealtor in the Atlanta, Georgia area, and I’mhere to answer any of your questions, whetherit’s buying, selling, or investing in real estate.The first option would be a seller’s lead back.So you go ahead and list yourhome, and you would sell it.You would actually lease it back.So you would stay there and lease it back fromthe current buyer for a specific amount of time togive you extra time to shop for a home.The second option would be tobuy a new construction home.The new construction home can take six to eightmonths, sometimes even longer to complete, so that wouldgive you time to list your home and sellit while your new home is being built.Finally, the third option is to use a companythat will buy the new home with cash.Once you get moved into the new home, you sellyour current home, and then once you sell your currenthome, you buy back the new home from the company.There are fees involved in the transaction, butit might be something to look into.If you have any questions about buying or selling orany questions about the options that I just shared withyou, they’ll feel free to message me anytime.


Hey guys. Hope you are having a great day. Wanted to ask a quick favor. I have recently created a YouTube channel and wanted to know if you would subscribe to my channel. All you have to do is click on this link, click to subscribe to my YouTube channel and click that bell so you will get notified anytime I add a new video to my YouTube. I will be sharing anything real estate. So any real estate tips, real estate market updates, any questions that I get about real estate. So if that is something that you’re interested in, I would love for you to subscribe to my channel. And please feel free. If you have any questions at all about the real estate market, don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you so much. 


What is the difference between earnest money and down payment money in a real estate transaction? Let me explain. Earnest money and down payment are two major components of a real estate transaction. Earnest money, or sometimes called good faith’s money. It is a deposit from the buyer into an escrow account. Here in Georgia, it’s usually the closing attorney. It shows the seller the commitment from the buyer toward the transaction. It gives the seller security, knowing that they have some kind of compensation should the buyer fall on the deal. Down payment is a percentage of the purchase price of the home that you are purchasing. It is an upfront cost and it is due at closing. Down payments can range from three to 20%, depending on the type at loan you are getting. There you have it. The difference between a down payment and earnest money in a real estate transaction. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out.


Hey guys, real quick.I know that you are probably getting tonsof letters and phone calls from all theseinvestment companies trying to buy your house.The deal might sound great.Cash offer can close in ten days.No appraisals.Yes, all that sounds great, but Ijust wanted to let you know.Quick story that I listed a home last Thursday.We had over 40 showings throughout the weekend.We ended up with 17 offers andwe ended up 30,000 over the price.So if you sell to an investor,you’re just open to one offer.If you put it on the market and list itwith an agent and put it on the MLS, youare open to multiple offers, which is going to driveup the price, which is going to net you more.So just wanted to share this quick tip.I hope you guys are having a great day.And if you have any questions aboutthe real estate market, let me know.

Why home prices aren’t declining and why is the market not crashing? This is a question I get a lot. People expected prices to crash due to higher rates and low buyer demand, but that isn’t happening. Why? Watch the video until the end to learn more and don’t forget to follow me for more real estate contents! Got any questions? Message Crissy at 404-988-0460!

‼️If you are waiting for rates to drop to the record lows like we saw in 2021, you might be making huge mistake‼️ 😬Last October we saw a huge spike in rates and many buyers took a hit on their purchase power which caused them to put a hold on their home search 📈 👏🏻Good news is that the rate of inflation is starting to drop and we are seeing mortgage rates come back down💯👏🏻 With that being said, holding out for 3% to come back around might be a huge mistake 🙅‍♀️ If you want more information about the market or mortgage rates, reach out anytime 📲

Not only is there a financial benefit to becoming a homeowner, there are many other benefits as well ‼️👇 🏠 

#1 You can be proud of your accomplishments, no matter if it’s your first home or 5th home, it’s a great accomplishments and you should be celebrated 👏🏻 

#2 You can make it your own. Want to remodel the inside? Go ahead because you can 👏🏻

#3 You can search for a home that fits ALL of your needs, not just some of them 💯 

#4 You have a place to relax and unwind. A place to feel safe and comfortable, the biggest benefit of all 🥰🏠 If you are interested in knowing how to become a homeowner this year, message me anytime 📲


Buying a house for sale by owner? Know why this is a bad idea.

Why should you not sell your home as a forsale by owner or in the local neighborhood Facebook page?I recently listed a home andwe received over 40 showings.We received 17 offers and my seller signedthe contract for 30 grand over list price.All this happened within threedays of listing the property.And I’m telling you this because you can’t get theseresults when you for sale by owner or you sellto a neighbors, friend, on the Facebook local neighborhood page.When you list your home with a great agentand that has a great market plan, you areopening your home up for the world to see.You are guaranteed to get more views online.More showings, more offers on the table which isgoing to net you more at the closing.


What credit score do I need to purchase a home, and how much money will I need to put down? As a real estate agent, I get asked these questions all the time. My name is Crissy Blount, and I’m a realtor in Atlanta, Georgia, and I’m here to answer any of your questions. Whether you’re buying, selling, or investing in real estate. It depends on the type of loan you are getting and the purchase price of the home that you are buying. There are five different types of loans that are available and the amount of down payment required for each one. FHA, VA, conventional, USDA, and JUMBO.

How much money do I need to buy a house? | About Real Estate | Real Estate Questions

Let’s talk about how much money you need to purchase a home. Rumor has it says that you need about 20% of the purchase price to put down on a home. And I’m here to tell you that is not the case. There are some incredible lenders out there there that offer3%, three and a half percent, sometimes even 0%. So if you’re looking to purchase a home and you don’t know where to start, give me a call. I would love to speak with you, get you connected with the lender, and let’s get you moving. .


If you are thinking about selling your home, here are three tips to get you the most money for your property. Number one is cleanliness. Clean those baseboards, clean those air vents. I promise you people do look at those things. Number two is probably the most important and it is paint. If you need a fresh new coat of paint, I would highly suggest doing that in the interior or go around doing some tub store paint. And number three is curb appeal. Just make sure your lawn is freshly cut and looks really well maintained. If you do these three, I promise you you’ll get the most money.


Hey y’all.Wanted to hop on real quick andtalk really quick about interest rates.I’m sure you’ve heard that interest rates are onthe rise and my local lender just locked in.One of my clients at a 4.125.So that is up from A 2.9% just 9-10 months ago.So if you are thinking about making a move thisyear, you might want to go ahead and get incontact with a local lender, get that rate locked in.If you have any questions about real estateor interest rates, you can always message me.I would love to help.

Real estate terms and definitions | Home Inspection VS Home Appraisal | Real Estate Terms To Know

What is the difference between a house inspection and a home appraisal? A home inspection is a thorough examination of the home that you are about to purchase. You would hire a home inspector to inspect the property from top to bottom and uncover any red flags or major concerns of the property. Appraisals are required when getting a mortgage loan on your home. They are used to determine the market value of the property. No one wants to overpay for a home, so they keep the prices and values consistent in the neighborhood bank-used appraisals.


Are we in a buyer’s market or are we in a seller’s market? That is the million dollar question in the current real estate market today. So I’m sure you’ve heard in the last few years that seller, it’s a hot, hot seller’s market. Sellers are getting over list price multiple offers. It’s a great time to be a seller. Well, I do want to point out something and I want you to hear me out. I’ve helped many many buyers in the last few years purchase homes. I’m here to tell you that my clients have gained a lot of equity just in the last few years from purchasing their homes because the home values have increased so much. So again that comes to my question is it a buyer’s market or is it a seller’s market? I would love to hear your comments and thoughts. So comment below and let me know what you think. .